Dienstag, 31. Mai 2016

BSc Management: The second semester - Electives

Electives at KLU
You might have seen an entry called “General Studies, Skills and Current Topics of Applied Management” listed below our fundamentals courses in the KLU brochure. I thought it might be helpful to talk a bit about this rather large part of the BSc program at KLU.

The curriculum, which can also be found in our online brochure

Management is indeed interesting, but at KLU you will specialize on a certain degree path and focus on one field of research.

No matter how much you love your degree path, from time to time engaging with a different topic – maybe something not at all or only slightly related to your major study – is enriching and challenging.

That’s why we have the opportunity to take electives, “general skills and studies” classes, which we attend alongside our main studies. For example, here is a list of the ones I have attended:

Semester I:
Business English (skill) - 1 ECTS
Excel (skill) - 1 ECTS

Semester II:
Movie Production (general) - 1 ECTS
Presidential Elections (general) - 1 ECTS
Self-Management (skill) - 1 ECTS
Word and PowerPoint (skill) - 1 ECTS

Business students attempting to create an animated film in Movie Production

You can decide how many electives you take and in which semester you want to take them (there are certain requirements concerning the ECTS) and of course, which areas you are most interested in.

In addition to these classes, the big “General Studies, Skills and Current Topics of Applied Management” module also includes CPDP classes. This is a career development program with a variety of topics like interview training, cover letter training, and CV training. If you are not quite sure about the field you would like to work in after your studies or where to do your internship, don’t worry. Ina  and Anne from the Career Services will support and help you wherever they can (and having somebody to check your cover letter or CV is worth a lot)! It’s also important to think outside the box when it comes to career paths, and getting to know your strengths and (not so terrible) weaknesses will help a lot during your internship or summer job hunt, believe me.

Besides these classes, we have the opportunity to experience guest speakers from major companies. My last “guest lecture” in that sense was from Beiersdorf (you probably know their NIVEA product line) – our speaker talked about brand line extensions, which was very interesting (and we got free samples). 

Some of my friends even used the networking opportunity after the presentations to land an internship while chatting with the lecturers.
We have a broad variety of events on campus, and I will cover them soon with another entry!

Bye for now,


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