Dienstag, 20. September 2016

'BSc Management: The internship experience

Here are some words about my internship. As I mentioned before, you will be able to read all about fellow students’ internship experiences and see their ratings and recommendations. From what I saw, most of them recommended going for an internship in a medium-sized company since the learning experience is best there. I agree.
I did my internship in a medium-sized German company that operates globally. The group is in the maritime industry and has ships, which was very interesting to me from the accounting perspective. 

Although I’ve already mentioned this, I have to say it again: After my first semester at KLU, I came to love accounting. Ultimately, I landed an internship in the maritime company’s financial accounting & reporting department, which meant that I would be involved with the financial aspects of the six-month report.

I began my internship in early June and as I expected, needed some time to grow accustomed to my tasks and understand the practical implementation of accounting and finance better. Do not worry – this is typical and nobody will ever expect you to be perfectly professional from the very beginning. 

I was tremendously lucky that my employer knew the internship was a great practical learning experience for me. I was involved in projects and had the opportunity to visit advanced training sessions (especially for SAP). I never endured a minute of boredom there.

You could say that especially in the beginning, my learning curve was exponential. Seeing the practical implementation of the theoretical concepts I had studied in class and realizing how vast the field of finance and international accounting really is, was a great experience and I am surprisingly happy to have spent my summer working instead of relaxing. 

I am now back to KLU and met up with my fellow classmates. They also valued their internship experience tremendously. Some even went abroad (I have so far heard from a city in Bulgaria and London); and others made it into the big consultancies.

Some of you might worry that the intensive track workload with no semester holiday and two internships could be too much, but I can assure you that the internships are an extremely valuable addition to your studies. They have even prepared me a bit for the upcoming courses. I was able to go on vacation for two weeks before lectures began again, which is enough to relax a bit. 

More soon!


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